Monday, 28 June 2010

Over sized jumpers, cardigans, cups of tea and cupcakes.

I sat on my bed today eating yet another cupcake (because I made far too many for a friends birthday) and having a cup of tea. I gazed around my room, and took stock of what I have. I am a bit of a hoarder, not in a collecting every little thing kind of way, but in a 'collect this and that for a house that I will some day own and in the mean time fill my bedroom, in my shared flat till it cant take any more' kind of way. To make it worse its also laundry day so there's clothes hanging up everywhere, cos the flat is so cold I have to dry everything in my room with the heater cranking.

I figured since everything was already out of my wardrobe I'd share with everyone part of my collection of cardigans and oversized jumpers.
I wont go through all of them but a decent amount are from the $2 clothing warehouse in ferrymead, which I only got for a dollar cos I bought so much that day. I love my unisex American Apparel cardigans, I only have two with me in New Zealand, and cant wait to get my suitcase that I had to leave behind in England. Another of my bargains is the mohair tartin cardigan, its soooo 80's and only cost $6 from save mart in Hornby. My pride and joy has to be the grey oversized cotton knit jumper that I got from H&M in Nice I pretty much live in it. One that is missing from this photo(cos I'm wearing it) its rough but in my top 5, its bright red cable knit, LOVING CABLE KNIT! I should also point out that my jumper collection is so kicking because my mum came with me to the $2 clothing ware house and would only let me buy proper woolen jumpers which was good because alot that we chose ended up being made in NZ , so tops marks for finding the beauty in the old and buying local/NZ made at the same time! Note: the white with blue stripe woolen cable knit cricket jumper, that's hand knitted(so awesome). Oh! I also forgot to mention the gilt mirror that I mentioned last post, only $25 at super shed, and just because I love it so much, the leopard print maxi dress was a steal on sale from Cotton On for $20 and is patiently waiting for summer to return.

Hope you guys are rocking the woollies this winter, they're cheap, warm and in fashion. Great with skinnies or the really big ones over leggings.

Keep dreaming and keep it beautiful,

                                                       Welcome Swallow.

P.s. Mustard is one of my favourite colours especially in cardigans but great in skirts as well(will blog skirts next week) so don't care what anyone else says if you like mustard go for it looks so chic with black.

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