Wednesday, 7 July 2010

What do you rekon?

I have been endlessly playing around with my blog. and even now as I lay in bed at 1am I had to turn on my computer and play some more. So I'm sure these wont be the last, but I would like you're suggestions/comments/questions none the less.
My original blog picture.

Second version.
Version three.

Version four, which I think is my favourite. what do you think?

Keep dreaming and keep it beautiful, the welcome swallow


  1. Hey dude. Love hearing more from you here in interweb land. How did you make your banner? BTW love it, it totally fits. I like the darker version of your banner with the flying swallow. I like them both but feel like the flying swallow fits you better.
    P.S. "and the things you're into" not your. Happy to help. And no teacher comments, my job is not my identity mmmkay?
    P.P.S. Where's your style blog?
    P.P.P.S. You should do a "Just got to love every week"

  2. What do you mean my style blog? I only have the one, just have heaps of different stuff on it. Also I use a programme called gimp, like a free photo shop, and just played around with my photos.

  3. I like the first, nice and simple. Keep it up welcome swallow!

  4. Need to work on SPELLING, I reckon!
